Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dreamlife March 25 - Robin

type: stressy with a bit of sci-fi
people: Sharon R
featuring: alteration of DNA through a spark and a sunflower seed

My friend Sharon said she didn't have enough money for retirement so she was upset and bought a $150,000 car the day before.  I said that was absurd and she should take it back.  She didn't want to.  I told her to pull it into my garage so we could talk this through—and it wouldn't be damage while we did that.

I used the remote control to move my car out of the garage but it didn't stop, so someone jumped in the car to do that.  When they did, there was a spark that arced through a sunflower seed to the driver.  (I had bought a package of David sunflower seeds at a concession stand earlier in the day.) That particular arc has a 79% chance of permanently altering his DNA so that he has Tourette-like tics for the rest of his life (as would any heirs). He said that I was fully responsible for this, and he expected reimbursement.  I thought, "Geez, if it is not one thing, it's another."

In the meantime, there was a rat in the car and Ziggy went to dispatch it.


Sharon, who died two years ago, had a Karmann Ghia when we were in college.  The car in which the spark happened was similar to it.  Maybe a cross between a Karmann Ghia and a Go Dog Go car...She was retired but had plenty of money. I never saw the $150, 000 car.

The image of the concession stand was just a table with candy on it. (We went to the Music Man yesterday afternoon at a local theater and this was their concession stand.) I didn't even know if there was a company called David that made sunflower seeds until I googled it this morning.  Leslie reminded me that we watched a Nurse Jackie in which she bought David sunflower seeds last night.  There was also a rat featured in Nurse Jackie, so I think all that came mostly from it.  The rat might also be there because my housesitter, Nancy, said there is one in the hot tub equipment cabinet...

Ziggy did kill a gopher and I am sure she would be good with rats, too.

The weird DNA thing...I got nothing.  But in terms of the "if it is not one thing, it's another"...I have been feeling that a lot these days.


  1. I couldnt help but think of sparks from the sun(flower seeds), which is sort of what you are up there for, right?

    I have no money for retirement. I dream about it all the time.

  2. If I started thinking about sunflowers... Let's see, Kresge gave them at graduation every year and, sometimes, I handed them out on stage. My mom loves sunflowers and has pictures around the house. There is my French thing and sunflowers related to that. And maybe in my mind sunflower seeds do equal sun. I'd love to think my brain made that connection... (but why give someone Tourette's??) But, I think dreams tend to be more prosaic than that. At least, my dreams.
