Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dreamlife Feb. 28—Leslie

Dream One:

Type: work
People: just myself
Featured: cycling clothes

Interesting that Robin and I both had work dreams last night. In mine, I was back at the Grunsky law firm in my old office. (Dream sign!) A bunch of my cycling clothes were there in my office. In particular, I noticed a new helmet (much more snazzy than the one I really have) was sitting on a shelf, and I thought, “Oh, I’d forgotten I’d bought this new one.” It pleased me to see it there. In addition, I noticed that I had several different work blouses lying around the office, and picked them up to see which ones they were. (They were shirts that I do in fact own.) I guess the shirts were there as a change of clothes for after my ride.


This was not a stress dream, as I had no worry about the fact I was back at work (for those who don’t know, I retired several years ago). If the dream had involved actual work, it would no doubt have been very stressful. I suppose I dreamed about cycling because I’ve not able to do any here in snowy and frigid Fairbanks (it’s 0 degrees today). Instead, I’m doing my best not to be a total klutz on the Nordic Track they have here at the house (I’ve never skied in my life.)

Dream Two:

Type: house
People: Laura, Doug, Richard, and Kenny
Featured: garden, cooking

I was at a house (our Hilo home?) with my siblings, and Laura’s husband Doug was there too. We were getting the house ready for something—sale? I had been working in a small garden area, surrounded on three sides by the walls of the house. There were plants around the edge, and a sandy or dirt area in the middle with small rocks arranged around it. I believe I was also cooking in the dream.


I often have dreams involving moving house, or looking at houses to buy. They tend to be stress dreams, because I don’t want to move, or am unsure whether I should buy the one I’m looking at or not. This dream was similar to those, but I don’t remember feeling much stress.

The garden bit likely has to do with the fact that Robin and I have decided to turn our front yard in Santa Cruz into a xeriscape area, and have been discussing the idea of having part of it be a rock garden with succulents.


  1. I love to read your dreams and your annotations. A whole new part of life to share together! So romantic.

  2. DO NOT SELL YOUR HILO HOUSE!...sorry for the shouting, but seriously!
